Preparing your EPK

The EPK (EPOD Presentation Kit) becomes the central connection for all promotional elements and pathways available on the act. With EPOD it’s all  there in a professional format ready for you to email or send to prospective clients, then the interested party receiving the email, connects into everything that is available on your act in seconds. With your product you can update promotional material, upload audio and video, create press kits, create user access to assign specific tasks to members, create availabilities on the fly, promote upcoming gigs and advertise your show.

If you want EPOD to professionally design your EPK Element just email for more information

- When adding a new Act Name, make sure your make is in Proper Case ie (Frets With Benefits).
- Do not use special characters or symbols in an Act Name

- This Display Photo is the main photo of your act in the search and menu system. It is what viewers see first so make it stand out
- Do not use logos or text for this - please use a photo of the act!
- The image needs to be 470px wide by 470px high
- The image needs to be no more than 400kb

- Click here to download this image as a template
Click to go to Online Banner Website (use the dimensions 470px wide by 470px in the setup)

- Your EPK main banner is to be upload as either JPG, PNG or GIF
- The size of the Banner needs to be 1000px wide and 175px high

- Click to Download Banner Image to use as a template

- Click to go to Online Banner Website  (use the dimensions 1000px wide and 175px in the setup)

- Your personal Background Image creates your feel for your public display pages
- Your background is to be upload as either JPG, PNG or GIF
- The size of the background image needs to be 1920px wide and 1920px high

- Your Biography is the text information that is shown on your Epod Presentation.
- The module is set to show 1000 characters on your EPOD page then a Show More button to display the whole Biography.
- Make sure you put the important information first as this is what viewers see on entry to you page

- View an example of a Biography Here

- List the artists that you cover in your show to display on your EPOD Promotional Page.
- Place each artist on a separate line and make sure you have an even number dividable by 4 to display evenly

- View an example of a Repertoire Here

- Your Poster needs to have a good image or design and a space for the show date to be written
- Your Poster can be either JPG or PNG format
- Posters should be A3 in size

- Click Here to Download Poster Template

- Your Facebook Panel needs to good quality
- The image needs to be 1200px wide and 630px high
- Your image is to be upload as either JPG, PNG or GIF

- Click here to download the Facebook Panel as a template

- You need 3 display images for your EPK Page
- Images need to be 330px wide and 250px high
- Images can be either PNG or JPG


- You can also make your Display images Rotating Slideshows with the same dimensions by using the online tool at BlogGif.

- Audio files need to be in MP3 Format
- Snippets are more effective than full songs
- You can upload up to 6 Audio Files for your EPK

- You can add up to 3 video clips to your EPK
- First upload your video to your YouTube Account, then copy the share link from you Youtube Video into your Video Upload fields